As a public company listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), and Blibli are committed to implementing ESG practices throughout all our business activities. ESG represents a business practice that takes into account the impacts on environmental, social, and corporate governance.

Through the tiket Green program, we invite you to take part in our collective effort towards sustainable tourism by implementing simple steps that you can apply to your property.

In collaboration with Sebumi, we have created the tiket Green accommodation assessment indicators based on the standards set by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council and the Green Hotel program from the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) across six main categories:

  1. Food
    • Provide local food and drinks from the local area, including seasonal menus
    • Availability of vegan and vegetarian menu 
    • Practice an efficient food and drinks inventory management and minimize food waste
  1. Water
    • Implement innovations such as using rainwater as an alternative water source, recycling greywater, and providing non-bottled drinking water facilities
    • Promote water conservation campaigns to employees and guests, and consistently monitor water consumption
  1. Energy
    • Use energy-efficient electronic devices (including LED lamps), and optimize the use of renewable energy sources
    • Promote energy conservation campaigns to employees and guests, and consistently monitor energy consumption
  1. Shelter & Biodiversity
    • Ensure the hotel is located in an area free from physical, biological, and chemical pollution, and utilize natural light for lighting and interiors that reflect local culture
    • Arrange landscape as urban green spaces and use local plants
  1. Waste
    • Provide waste bins with clear information, manage food waste, and minimize plastic usage in hotel operations
    • Reduce paper usage and use reusable cutleries
  1. Mindfulness
    • Promote awareness about energy and water conservation and food management through various campaigns, and prohibit smoking in all areas in the hotel
    • Prioritize employee hiring from the local community to empower the community
    • Encourage guests and users to care about environmental issues and actively involve the community in greening efforts

By following the steps above, you can contribute to the positive changes for the environment and local community. 

We invite you to join tiket Green by conducting a self-assessment of your property. If your property meets the criteria, select tiket Green in the Facilities & Services list on the Extranet to join the program automatically. In addition to making a positive contribution to the environment, you will also enjoy additional visibility through a special tiket Green tag and badge.

Let’s create changes towards a more sustainable tourism, as every small step can make a significant impact on our Earth.