You can set the cancellation policy for every rate plan available at your property through the Rate Plan menu. The cancellation policy set in the Rate Plan menu is the standard cancellation policy applicable to your property.

You can set the cancellation policy for specific dates or room types in a rate plan through the Manage Rates & Availability menu. This cancellation policy only applies to the selected dates.  The cancellation policy set in the Manage Pricing and Availability menu will replace the cancellation policy set in the Rate Plan menu.

You can set the cancellation policy for specific promotions through the Promo & Campaign menu. This cancellation policy only applies to the selected promo. The cancellation policy set in the Promo & Campaign menu will replace the cancellation policy set in the Rate Plan and Manage Pricing & Availability menus.

Note that the cancellation policy setting through the Promo & Campaign menu is only available in the Per-day Rate Model.