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Cancellation Policy

Learn about the available cancellation policy and find out how to set your cancellation policy through various menus on the Extranet.

  • What is a cancellation policy?

    Updated on 24th June 2024

    A cancellation policy is a policy regarding booking cancellation rules that is applicable to the property. The cancellation policy includes a cancellation fee and window. 

    A cancellation fee is a fee applicable to the guests if the guests cancel their bookings, usually in a percentage of the total fees, room rate for the first night, total fees, or free cancellation. 

    A cancellation window is a period during which the cancellation will be applicable, starting from 12.00 AM of the determined date to the D-1 check-in date at 11.59 PM local time.  

    For example, a property has a cancellation policy with a 10% cancellation fee and a 7-day cancellation window.

    • No cancellation fee will be applicable to the guest who cancels his booking 8 days or more before the check-in date.
    • A cancellation fee of 10% of the total fees will be applicable to the guest who cancels his booking 7 days or less before the check-in date.

  • What are the cancellation policies available on

    Updated on 24th June 2024 offers flexible options to set the cancellation policy applicable to your property.

    1. Refundable with cancellation fee
      You can set the cancellation window and fee that will apply to your guests if they cancel their bookings in a percentage of the total fees or room rate for the first night. The commission will be calculated from your cancellation fee.
    1. Non-refundable
      You can also choose the ‘cancellation & rescheduling not allowed’ in the cancellation policy section, so the guests will have to pay all the total fees. The commission will be calculated from the total guest booking fees.
    1. Free cancellation
      Aside from that, you can also offer free cancellation, therefore the guests can cancel their bookings without any charge. The commission will not be applicable for the bookings that have been canceled with a free cancellation policy. 

  • How do I set a cancellation policy on

    Updated on 24th June 2024

    You can set the cancellation policy through several menus in the Extranet according to the rate model applicable to your property.

    With the Per-day Rate Model, you can set the cancellation policy through the Rate Plan, Manage Rates & Availability, and Promo & Campaign menus.

    With the Length-of-stay Rate Model, you can only set the cancellation policy through the Rate Plan and Manage Rates & Availability menus.

    How to set a cancellation policy on the Rate Plan menu: 

    1. Click the Rates & Availability menu and choose the Rate Plan submenu 
    2. Click the Add New Rate Plan button if you want to make a new rate plan 

    Click the Edit icon if you wish to edit the cancellation policy for an existing rate plan 

    1. Fill in the Cancellation Policy that applies to the rate plan 
    2. Click the Add New Rate Plan button to save a new rate plan or the Edit Rate Plan button to save changes 

    How to set a cancellation policy on the Manage Rates & Availability menu:

    1. Click the Rates & Availability menu and choose the Manage Rates & Availability submenu 
    2. Click the date you wish to change on the calendar 
    3. Click Set Restrictions & Cancellation
    4. Set the toggle Specific Cancellation Policy on 
    5. Choose and fill in the specific cancellation policy that applies to the date 
    6. Click the Save button to save changes

    How to set a cancellation policy on the Promo & Campaign menu:

    1. Click the Promo & Campaign menu and choose the Add New submenu
    2. Choose the type of promo you wish to create 
    3. Answer Yes for the “Do you want to set the specific cancellation policy for this promo?” question
    4. Fill in the specific cancellation policy that applies to the promo
    5. Click the Create Promotion button to save changes

  • How do I update cancellation policy and restrictions in bulk?

    Updated on 24th June 2024

    We understand the need for our partners to have more flexible policy settings, especially during peak seasons. Therefore, you can now manage cancellation policies and restrictions for multiple dates in bulk at once using the Bulk Update menu on the Extranet.

    How to set cancellation policies using the Bulk Update menu:

    1. Click the Rates & Availability menu, then select the Bulk Update submenu
    2. Click on the Cancellation Policy tab
    3. Enter the start and end dates for the period you want to update in the provided fields at the top of the page
    4. If the new cancellation policy applies only to specific days, tick the boxes on the left side of the desired days. If the cancellation policy applies to all days, tick all the day boxes
    5. Select the room type and rate plan you want to update from the dropdown menu, then click the Apply button
    6. Choose the new cancellation policy you want to implement; either non-refundable or custom. Learn more about the differences between the two options in this article
    7. If you choose a custom policy, set the cancellation period and the applicable fee for cancellations or no-shows
    8. Click the Save button in the bottom right corner to save the changes

    How to set restrictions using the Bulk Update menu:

    1. Click the Rates & Availability menu, then select the Bulk Update submenu
    2. Click on the Restrictions tab
    3. Enter the start and end dates for the period you want to update in the provided fields at the top of the page
    4. If the new restriction applies only to specific days, tick the boxes on the left side of the desired days. If the restriction applies to all days, tick all the day boxes
    5. Select the room type and rate plan you want to update from the dropdown menu, then click the Apply button
    6. Switch on the toggle next to the restriction you want to enable. There are four available restrictions to choose from: length of stay, advance booking, closed to arrival, and closed to departure
    7. If you enable the length of stay and advance booking restrictions, enter the minimum and maximum number of days you want to apply in the respective fields. If you enable closed to arrival and closed to departure restrictions, your property will be unavailable for guests choosing check-in and check-out dates within the specified period
    8. Click the Save button in the bottom right corner to save the changes

    Cancellation policies and restrictions set using the Bulk Update menu will override those set in other menus. Explore other methods for setting cancellation policies and restrictions based on your specific needs in the related articles.

  • What are the differences between the cancellation policy settings?

    Updated on 24th June 2024

    You can set the cancellation policy for every rate plan available at your property through the Rate Plan menu. The cancellation policy set in the Rate Plan menu is the standard cancellation policy applicable to your property.

    You can set the cancellation policy for specific dates or room types in a rate plan through the Manage Rates & Availability menu. This cancellation policy only applies to the selected dates.  The cancellation policy set in the Manage Pricing and Availability menu will replace the cancellation policy set in the Rate Plan menu.

    You can set the cancellation policy for specific promotions through the Promo & Campaign menu. This cancellation policy only applies to the selected promo. The cancellation policy set in the Promo & Campaign menu will replace the cancellation policy set in the Rate Plan and Manage Pricing & Availability menus.

    Note that the cancellation policy setting through the Promo & Campaign menu is only available in the Per-day Rate Model.

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