In accordance with the applicable regulations, every Online Travel Agent (OTA) operating in Indonesia is obligated to pay taxes on the commission fees for every service provided. Therefore, we require all domestic properties to add their Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP) details on the Extranet. This requirement applies to all properties in Indonesia, for both individually or corporate owned properties.

Here is how to add your property’s taxpayer ID details on the Extranet:

  1. Click on the Finance menu, then select Taxpayer ID (NPWP)
  2. Select the taxpayer ID type; Personal NPWP or Corporate NPWP
    If the property is individually owned without a separate NPWP, you can select Personal NPWP
    If the property is owned by a limited liability company (PT), you can select Corporate NPWP
  3. If you select the Personal NPWP, please complete the following data:
    1. Your personal taxpayer ID or National Identity Number (NIK)
    2. Your full name
    3. Taxpayer ID/National ID document
  4. If you select the Corporate NPWP, please complete the following data:
    1. The Corporate taxpayer ID
    2. Full name as stated on the Corporate taxpayer ID
    3. Corporate taxpayer ID document
    4. Other supporting documents such as Business Activity Place Identification Number (NITKU), etc. (if any)
  5. Double-check the uploaded data and ensure you have read and agreed to the terms and conditions before checking the box provided
  6. Click the Save button to save the changes

By completing the taxpayer data on the Extranet, you are not only fulfilling your tax obligations as a hotelier, but also contributing to building tax compliance in Indonesia. Aside from that, accurate taxpayer data will facilitate the tax payment process and avoid potential problems in the future.