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Find detailed information about how to choose a payment method, receive payments, and check payment details from

  • How do I receive payment from

    Updated on 4th January 2024

    To receive payment for your property bookings, choose one of two payment methods available at

    1. Virtual Credit Card (VCC)

    You will receive a new VCC detail anytime a guest books your property. You can find the VCC details under the Card Number column on the Bookings menu for each itinerary ID. You can charge the VCC using an EDC or other Point of Sale (POS) machines before the expiry date.

    1. Bank Transfer

    With the bank transfer payment method, you will receive payment on the registered bank account on the Extranet. You can check the paid booking details on the Finance > Payment List menu.

    You can select a payment method available on on the Payment Details menu on the Extranet. For security reasons, contact your Market Manager if you would like to change your property’s payment method.

  • How do I receive payment through VCC?

    Updated on 4th January 2024

    To receive payment through a virtual credit card, you need to select the virtual credit card as your preferred payment method on the Finance > Payment Details menu. You can also choose the payment plan to determine the VCC charging period starting date through the same menu. VCC is valid up to D+60 days after the guest check-in date.

    You can charge the VCC incrementally with a maximum amount up to the number of rooms multiplied by the number of nights for one itinerary ID. For example, if a guest books two rooms for two nights at your property, you can charge incrementally up to 4 times for that booking.

    How to charge a VCC:

    1. Click the Bookings menu and Search the Bookings submenu 
    2. Find the itinerary ID you wish to charge on the bookings list and scroll left until you find the Card Number column
    3. Click the VCC Details and input your PIN code
    4. You will find the complete VCC Details, such as the name on the card, card number, expiry date, CVC or CVV number, and the swipe period
    5. Input the card number in the EDC or other Point of Sale (POS) machines before the expiry date to charge the VCC

    If you need a payment plan option on the booking date for non-refundable bookings, you can contact your Market Manager for further assistance.

  • How do I receive payment through a bank transfer?

    Updated on 27th February 2024

    This tutorial was created based on the Payment List menu on the website’s desktop version.

    To receive payment through a bank transfer, you need to select the bank transfer as your preferred payment method on the Finance > Payment List menu. You also need to complete the bank account details that will receive the payment on the same menu. 

    The bank transfer payment method is available for both domestic properties and properties outside of Indonesia. Payment will be processed automatically according to the schedule without requiring billing or invoices from your side. For domestic properties, payments will be processed on the guest check-out date. Meanwhile, payments for properties outside of Indonesia will be processed on a weekly basis. Every week, the Finance team will recap and process all transactions from the previous week. Please note that the payment processing time may vary depending on your bank’s policies.

    Here’s how to check bookings that have been paid via bank transfer:

    1. Click the Finance menu and Payment List submenu
    2. You can see all the paid bookings on the Payment List submenu
    3. Scroll left to find the detailed payment information, such as the total price, payment method, and payment date

  • How do I accept payment in another currency?

    Updated on 25th April 2024

    To simplify your property revenue management, you can now choose to receive payments from in a currency other than your current one. This feature is available for virtual credit card (VCC) payments only.

    Here’s how to add an alternate currency as a payment option:

    1. Click on the Finance menu in the Extranet and select Payment Details
    2. Select VCC as your property’s payment method
    3. Switch the toggle on to enable the Set the payment in alternative currencies
    4. Choose the payment currency from the dropdown menu
    5. Click the Save button to save changes

    For security reasons, any changes to your payment method will be reviewed by your Market Manager. Once approved, you will be able to use the alternative currency to receive payments from

    Payments in alternative currency will be calculated using the exchange rate applicable on the date of the guest’s booking. You can view the exchange rate used in the VCC Details section of the Search Bookings menu.

    Please note that the alternative currency will only be used to receive payments from All other price information will be displayed using the primary currency you selected when registering your property on

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