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Property Details

Property Photos

Learn more about the required photos and find valuable tips to capture captivating photos for your property content.

  • How do I upload or delete my property photos?

    Updated on 31st May 2024

    This tutorial was created based on the Property menu on the website’s desktop version.

    High-quality property photos can attract guests’ attention and help increase bookings. Follow the step-by-step guide below to manage your property photos easily:

    Uploading Property Photos to the Photo Gallery:

    1. Select Photo Gallery in the Property menu.
    2. Choose the photo category you want to upload from the list of available sections in the dropdown menu.
    3. Click the Add Photo icon.
    4. In the pop-up window that appears, click the Browse button to choose the photos you want to upload from your computer. You can upload multiple photos at once with a minimum size of 65 kB, a maximum size of 5 MB, and a maximum resolution of 4000×4000 pixels.
    5. Select the photos you want to add to the Photo Gallery by ticking the box at the top right corner of each photo.
    6. Save changes by clicking the Add button located at the bottom right of the pop-up window.
    7. The photos will be automatically added to the Photo Gallery according to the section you chose.

    Removing Property Photos from the Photo Gallery:

    Follow these steps to delete property photos that have been uploaded previously:

    1. Click the trash bin icon located at the bottom right corner of the photo you want to delete.
    2. Confirm the delete request by selecting Yes, remove
    3. The selected photo will be immediately removed from the Photo Gallery.

    You can also add more photo categories by clicking Add another section for this hotel. We recommend creating at least 4 photo categories, including exterior photos, bedroom photos, bathroom photos, and other facilities. You can also upload room photos in the Room Photos tab in the same menu.

  • What photos do I need to upload?

    Updated on 9th October 2023

    Great photos can influence guests’ decisions and provide accurate information about the property. We recommend that you upload at least 15 photos which include all room types, facilities, and relevant details for guests.

    Here are the details of the photos that need to be uploaded:

    1. Room photos
      You need to upload a minimum of 4 photos for each room type – 3 room photos from various angles and 1 bathroom photo. You can also show the room amenities such as AC, TV, balcony, etc.
    1. Bathroom photos
      You can also display the bathroom amenities such as toiletries, hairdryer, etc.
    1. Exterior photos
      Exterior photos show the building’s appearance from the outside. Exterior photos can help guests find your property easily.
    1. Facilities photos
      You can also display photos of the facilities available at your property to attract guests, such as restaurants, swimming pools, elevators, lobby, etc.

    You can upload property photos in the Photo Gallery submenu under the Property menu. You can also upload photos for each room type in the same menu.

  • How do I take appealing property photos?

    Updated on 9th October 2023

    Here are some tips to take appealing property photos:

    Using a digital camera:

    ● Take pictures in landscape

    ● Adjust the photo size into a 4:3 aspect ratio

    ● Photos should have a maximum resolution of 4000 px for the length and a minimum of 1000 px for width (The max size for each picture uploaded is 5MB)

    ● The camera should be around 120-150 cm in height

    ● You can use a tripod to provide stability

    ● Don’t turn on the timestamp and watermark setting in your camera

    Using a smartphone:

    ● Don’t use any filter or photo app

    ● Take pictures in landscape

    ● Use the standard/high-quality setting and a 4:3 aspect ratio

    ● Photos should have a maximum resolution of 4000 px for the length and a minimum of 1000 px for width (The max size for each picture uploaded is 5MB)

    ● The camera should be around 120-150 cm in height

    ● You can turn on the HDR (High Dynamic Range) Setting

    ● Avoid the flash

    ● Don’t use a zoom filter

    ● Don’t turn on the timestamp and watermark setting in your camera

    Here are some dos and don’ts in taking photos:

    ✓ Show the latest information regarding facilities and service available at the property

    ✓ You can show the plaque

    ✓ Use photos that don’t violate the guest’s privacy policy

    ✗ Show any guests

    ✗ Use photos that are screenshotted or taken from other OTAs

    ✗ Combine several pictures into one photo

    ✗ Display blurry photos

    ✗ Display grainy or pixelated photos

    ✗ Use a fisheye lens

    ✗ Do too much editing

    ✗ Put on any watermark

    ✗ Display stretched and distorted pictures

    ✗ Show the photographer’s reflection on the mirror

    ✗ Take pictures when the TV is on

    ✗ Use black and white pictures

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