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Rates & Availability

Rates & Availability

Manage Rate Plan

Discover the difference between room rates and rate plans and optimize your property rates with various rate plan options. Learn more today!

  • What is the difference between the room rate and rate plan?

    Updated on 9th October 2023

    A room rate is the price per night guests must pay when staying at your property. The displayed room rate is determined based on the applicable rate plan at your property. You can set the room rates in the Manage Rates & Availability submenu under the Rates & Availability menu.

    A rate plan is a pricing arrangement that includes meal options, prices, cancellation policies, and restrictions. You need to create a rate plan before setting the room rates. You can create a new rate plan in the Rate Plan submenu under the Rates & Availability menu.

  • Can I connect a rate plan to multiple rooms?

    Updated on 9th October 2023

    You can connect one rate plan to multiple rooms if the same meal options, prices, cancellation policies, and restrictions apply to those rooms.

    If you have multiple rate plans at your property, one room can be connected to multiple rate plans. For example, a deluxe room can be connected to a rate plan with a non-refundable cancellation policy and another rate plan with a free cancellation policy with different room rates.

    You can add a new rate plan or edit the existing rate plans through the Rate Plan submenu in the Rates & Availability menu.

  • What is a static rate plan and how to use it?

    Updated on 27th March 2024

    A static rate plan is a pricing strategy where you set a fixed price for your property for a specific period of time, regardless of changes in occupancy, holiday seasons, or market trends. Now, you can use a static rate plan for your property on By using a static rate plan, you only need to set a net price you want to receive once and have more time to improve your service and give the best experience for your guests.

    Here are some benefits of using a static rate plan:

    1. Easier and more efficient property management
      Unlike the dynamic rate plan that constantly changes based on demand, a static rate plan can save you a lot of time and effort. You only need to update your allotment periodically, and Market Manager can help you set the best price for your property.
    2. Stable revenue
      By setting a net price for your property, you can easily predict your total revenue. Additionally, our Market Manager will help you set up promotions and child rate plans to increase your property’s visibility without reducing your net price.
    3. Extra visibility through cross-selling programs
      By adopting a static rate plan, your property will automatically be included in’s cross-selling programs. These programs bundle your property with other products, such as flight tickets and attractions. Joining cross-selling programs also will increase your visibility and maximize bookings.

    A static rate plan is a good choice for property owners who want easy-to-manage room rates, stable revenue, and extra visibility through cross-selling programs. By using the static rate plan, you can save more time and effort, maximize your revenue, and get more bookings. 

    Contact your Market Manager today to activate the static rate plan and boost your property’s performance on!

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