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Rates & Availability

Calendar Sync

Learn Calendar Sync, its differences with channel managers, and how it can help you manage your property availability. Learn more now!

  • How do I apply the Calendar Sync feature?

    Updated on 12th October 2023

    Calendar Sync is available on the top right-hand side of the Manage Rates & Availability menu on Extranet.

    You can copy the iCal link from other OTAs you want to sync and paste it into the available field. You can import up to 2 (two) iCal links to the Extranet that will be synced one by one. You can also delete and sync the imported calendar manually.

    You have to sync’s iCal to other OTAs, so the booked dates on won’t be available on other OTAs. You can copy the link below the Export Calendar section and import it to the other OTAs’ iCal calendars. 

    Note: Calendar Sync is only available for villas & apt. that rent an entire place and have already used iCal on other OTAs.

  • What is the benefit of using the Calendar Sync feature?

    Updated on 12th October 2023

    Calendar Sync is an Extranet feature to help you manage your property availability across OTA platforms by synchronizing iCal.

    For example, you rent a property on and another OTA and use Calendar Sync. When you receive a booking from, your property will be set automatically unavailable for a booking on the same date on the other OTA. Thus, it reduces the chances of overbooking.

    Note: Calendar Sync is only available for villas & apt. that rent an entire place and have already used iCal on other OTAs.

  • What is the difference between Calendar Sync and Channel Manager?

    Updated on 9th October 2023

    Calendar Sync and channel manager have different functions. 

    With more advanced features, Channel Manager can help you update allotment, rate plans, and policies that apply to the property.

    Meanwhile, Calendar Sync can update your property availability by synchronizing iCal on different OTAs.

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