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Rates & Availability

Rates & Availability

Rate Model

Explore the difference between Per-day and Length-of-stay rate models and choose the ideal one for your property on Get started now!

  • What is a rate model?

    Updated on 9th October 2023

    The rate model is the base for the pricing model that applies to your property. There are two available rate models on, the Per-day Rate Model and Length-of-stay Rate Model. 

  • What are the rate models available on

    Updated on 9th October 2023

    When you first register your property on, you will use the Per-day Rate Model as the default setting. But, you can change to the Length-of-stay Rate Model to fit your property.

    You can also contact your Market Manager to help you in determining the right rate model for your property. 

  • What is the Per-day Rate Model?

    Updated on 9th October 2023

    You can set different room rates for every date with the Per-day Rate Model. The guests will be charged with the accumulation of room rates per date during their stay. 

    The price per night setting with the Per-day Rate Model is as follows: 

    – 1st January: Rp 150,000

    – 2nd January: Rp 125,000

    – 3rd January: Rp 100,000

    If the guest checks in on 1st January and stays for 2 nights, then the guest will be charged Rp 275,000

    If the guest checks in on 2nd January and stays for 2 nights, then the guest will be charged Rp 225,000

    If the guest checks in on 1st January and stays for 3 nights, then the guest will be charged Rp 375,000

    Per-day Rate Model will be chosen as the default rate model when registering your property on 

  • What is the Length-of-stay Rate Model?

    Updated on 9th October 2023

    You can set the room rates according to the duration of the guests’ stay in the room with the Length-of-stay Rate Model. The guests will be charged with the room rates that are applicable according to the duration of their stay.

    The price per night setting with the Length-of-stay Rate Model is as follows: 

    1st January

    – 1 night: Rp 150,000

    – 2 nights: Rp 250,000

    2nd January

    – 1 night: Rp 200,000

    – 2 nights: Rp 350,000

    If the guest checks-in on 1st January and stays for 1 night, then the guest will be charged Rp 150,000.

    If the guest checks-in on 1st January and stays for 2 nights, then the guest will be charged Rp 250,000.

    If the guest checks-in on 2nd January and stays for 1 night, then the guest will be charged Rp 200,000.

    If the guest checks-in on 2nd January and stays for 2 nights, then the guest will be charged Rp 350,000.

    You can offer a more attractive rate to the guests who stay for a longer duration through the Length-of-Stay Rate Model.

  • How do I change the rate model?

    Updated on 9th October 2023

    You can contact your Market Manager or the Market Manager team through the email address below to change your rate model.

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